Rotherham Carers' Forum
Providing an Independent Voice for Rotherham's Unpaid Carers

About Rotherham Carers' Forum
Rotherham Carers’ Forum is an independent group which enables informal family or friend carers (unwaged) to have a voice in shaping services in Rotherham
What We Do

Representing and Advocating
Ensuring That All Voices Are Heard
We represent the voice of unpaid carers living in the Rotherham Borough. We represent you in Council meetings and those that shape local services, ensuring that your voice is heard.
We provide a social space for Carers to get together, share experiences, relax and have fun.
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Building Support Networks
Providing Support and Information
Get Involved
We aim to work together as an equal partner with the Local Authority, Health Services, Voluntary and Community organisations, charities and groups, participating in and influencing local decision making on services for Carers and their families.

Informally Getting Together
We meet monthly at Rotherham Town Hall to share experiences, learn from each other and enjoy some light refreshments.
We often have guest speakers who provide useful information for Carers. Recent speakers have included the Energy Knowhow team.
Sharing Your Experience
We share our own experiences with other Carers, but also decision makers and those that provide services, to ensure better provision for Carers in Rotherham and their loved ones.
Supporting Other Carers
We all have experience to share and our community of Carers support each other with practical support and guidance.
We seek to grow our network to support all unpaid Carers in Rotherham.